Welcome, love.
I’m so happy that you’re here.
I kinda want to write things that you’d like to read. Makes sense, right? I mean…as time marches forward, I’ll post things that are on my mind from time to time; however, I’d love to know what you’re interested in learning about. Please comment with topics that you’d like to learn about that revolve around energy healing, chakras, crystals, quantum physics…you know, all the woo-woo things. LOL!
It’d be way more fun to write things that you’d like to read instead of me trying to guess. Don’t you agree? After-all, this space is as much for you as it is for me. The most beautiful part of reiki, in my opinion, is the synergistic nature of it. The energy temporarily weaves us all together like a tapestry of light & the healing happens within us both. We both walk away healthier & happier than we were when we began. Isn’t that just so cool?!
I hope you’ll plug into my online subscription service. For with all healing, the more consistent you’re able to be with it the better & better it gets. This services is an efficient & affordable way for you to receive this healing every week for as long as you subscribe. I’m so very blessed to be able to offer it to you. Check it out here. I’m so very thankful for the gift of the idea to offer it. When I decided to become a certified reiki master, the seed was planted in my heart to make it accessible to as many people as possible. And thanks to social media, online tools, people who’ve helped encourage & inspire me & the download that I received to initiate this whole process, I was able to create our online sacred space. And I hope you’ll come into it because it was made just for you.
Thank you for being here.
I love you, sweet soul.
Big hugs,